Potassium fertilizer via hydrothermal alteration of K-feldspar
In this work, we synthesize according to green-chemistry principles a novel potassium-bearing material which mineralogy and elemental release have the potential to overcome the limitations of KCl. We process in mild hydrothermal conditions (T = 200 °C; P∼ 14 atm; t = 5 h) locally
consulter en ligneDecomposition of K-feldspar by potassium hydroxide
2022.3.15 We proposed a novel hydrothermal alkaline method combined with low temperature inorganic acid leaching process to extract both potassium and aluminum from K
consulter en ligneMechanism of Potassium Release from Feldspar by
2023.12.27 To improve the potassium availability of feldspar at ordinary temperatures, the mechanical grinding and addition of sodium hydroxide/salts were employed to study the
consulter en ligneReview on K-Feldspar Mineral Processing for Extracting
2024.2.4 To date, various techniques have been developed to extract potassium from K-feldspar and produce a soluble potassium fertilizer. This review summarizes the main
consulter en ligne机械活化对钾长石颗粒表面特征的影响 - University of Jinan
2023.5.5 摘要: 采用机械活化并添加碱性助剂的方法,将钾长石进行粉碎加工,综合研究钾长石粒度分布、比表面积、表面粗糙度、颗粒形貌及相互关系;分别以激光粒度分析仪、比表面
consulter en ligneK-feldspar composition as an exploration tool for pegmatite-type
2018.2.1 Trace elements of potassium feldspar (Kfs) from pegmatite veins in the Keketuohai pegmatite district were determined in situ by LA-ICP-MS. As the K/Rb ratio
consulter en ligneSustainable Process for the Extraction of Potassium from Feldspar
Potassium ion released from the silicate matrix combines with chloride ions to form potassium chloride, which solubilized in water during the leaching process of the roasted feldspar. For
consulter en ligneHydrothermal decomposition of potassium feldspar under
2015.10.14 Potassium feldspar (K-feldspar) is important for keeping ecological balance on Earth. For example, the weathering of K-feldspar generates dissolved elemental K, a
consulter en lignePotassium: Petrogeny’s Residua System and Ternary Feldspars
2024.2.6 The main effect of potassium when present in the small amounts typical of most basalt is to lower temperatures slightly and enter into the feldspar as small amounts of the
consulter en ligneResearch on the strengthening mechanism of potassium
2023.1.1 The technology of transforming potassium minerals from potassium feldspar into soluble potassium by acid hydrolysis, and discussed the leaching mechanism of potassium in
consulter en ligneFeldspar Properties, Uses, Types, Facts - Hebei Yayang
2024.7.18 Feldspar possesses a silicon–oxygen–aluminum tetrahedron in which potassium is placed in the interstitial sites to balance the charge of the matrix.6,7 Other potassium-containing aluminosilicate minerals are nepheline syenite, glauconitic sandstone, mica, and so forth.4,8 Jena et al. used acid for leaching potassium from the aluminosilicate ...
consulter en ligneMicrowave-assisted extraction of potassium from K-feldspar
2019.4.24 A creative approach for the hydrothermal decomposition of K-feldspar for the extraction of potassium (K) in mixed alkaline solutions containing NaOH and CaO pretreated by microwave was studied. Under the same processing conditions, a systematic comparison of microwave pretreatment and traditional hydrothermal reaction showed that K+ dissolution
consulter en ligneReview on K-Feldspar Mineral Processing for Extracting
2024.2.4 The K-feldspar mineral is an insoluble potassium resource with a high potassium content and the most extensive and abundant reserves. To address the insufficient supply of soluble potassium fertilizers in China, the application of appropriate processing methods to extract potassium from K-feldspar and transform it into a soluble potassium fertilizer is of great
consulter en lignePotassium feldspar - Geology Wiki
5 天之前 Potassium feldspar refers to a number of minerals falling in the feldspar group, and containing potassium: Orthoclase (endmember formula KAlSi3O8), an important tectosilicate mineral that forms igneous rock Microcline, chemically the same as orthoclase, but with a different crystalline structure Sanidine, the high temperature form of potassium feldspar
consulter en ligneFeldspar minerals: properties, types, uses - ZME Science
2024.1.21 Feature K-Feldspar Plagioclase Feldspar; Chemical Composition: Primarily potassium-aluminum silicates (KAlSi3O8) Sodium to calcium aluminum silicates (NaAlSi3O8 to CaAl2Si2O8)
consulter en ligneFertilizing Properties of Potassium Feldspar Altered Hydrothermally
2019.1.22 The material obtained through hydrothermal alteration of K-feldspar rock in alkaline conditions is a potential source of soluble potassium (K), but agronomic testing is needed to verify its ...
consulter en ligneAqueous carbonation of the potassium-depleted residue from potassium ...
2015.4.22 The potassium-extracted residue used in this study was prepared with the following procedure: 50–75 μm natural potassium feldspar and calcium chloride powder (AR) with a mass ratio of 1:1 were well mixed, dried at 300 °C in muffle furnace for 30 min to remove both the adsorbed and crystal water, and then calcined in tube furnace at 900 °C in air atmosphere
consulter en ligne(PDF) Production of Potassium Chloride from K-Feldspar
2019.6.1 The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via a calcium chloride calcination route was studied with a focus on the effects of the calcination atmosphere, calcination temperature and time, mass ...
consulter en ligneFeldspar: Uses And Applications - Hebei Yayang Spodumene
2024.7.18 Potassium Feldspar Powder is in high demand in a choice of sectors due to its competence in definite applications. They give all grades and forms which comprise grain, powder, and lumps size. The physical properties particularly the melting point of Potash feldspar turn it a clear choice in both body and glaze training. It is utilized as a ...
consulter en ligneDetermining Roles of Potassium‐Feldspar Surface
2023.7.18 The roles of surface characteristics of the feldspar surface on ice nucleation have remained elusive. Here, simple strategies are reported to quantitatively analyze the effects of the surface morphology and molecular composition of the potassium‐feldspar surface on ice nucleation. The steps are found to be responsible to the high ice nucleation efficacy according
consulter en ligneThe hydrothermal alkaline alteration of potassium feldspar: A
2021.5.20 Potassium feldspars (KAlSi 3 O 8) are ubiquitous minerals in the Earth's upper crust.This family of minerals has been the subject of numerous experimental and theoretical investigations concerning their dissolution kinetics and the mechanisms controlling chemical alteration at acid and neutral pH, and at temperatures ranging from ambient to hydrothermal
consulter en ligneResearch on the strengthening mechanism of potassium
2023.1.1 Common acid leaching methods for potassium extraction are the introduction of phosphate ore, fluorosilicic acid, fluorite and other fluorine-containing substances, to destroy the stable structure of potassium feldspar (Ding, 1996).Sun et al. (2011) established a co-leaching reaction system of phosphate rock, potassium feldspar and phosphoric acid.. At 250 °C for 3
consulter en ligneSEM image of potassium feldspar Download Scientific
Potassium feldspar is a mineral rich in aluminosilicate [12][13] [14], widely distributed [15], huge reserves [16] and low price [17].Due to its low melting point, high melting viscosity and high ...
consulter en ligneHydrothermal decomposition of potassium feldspar under
2015.10.29 Potassium feldspar (K-feldspar) is important for keeping ecological balance on Earth. For example, the weathering of K-feldspar generates dissolved elemental K, a necessary nutrient in soil. Recently, important developments on K-rich feldspar as an alternative potash have been reported in a broad spectrum of geographical contexts and soils. Therefore, it is a key
consulter en ligneResearch Progress on Extracting Potassium and Preparing ...
2017.7.24 Abstract: A variety of potassium extracting technologies from potassium feldspar have been developed at home and abroad. According to the reaction principle and technological process, these technologies are classified and introduced.
consulter en lignePotassium Feldspar: A Versatile Mineral with Various
Feldspar is an aluminosilicate mineral of alkali metals or alkaline earth metals such as potassium, sodium and calcium, also known as feldspar group minerals. Potassium feldspar (K2OAl2O36SiO2), also known as orthoclase, belongs to the monoclinic crystal system, and is usually fleshy red, white, or gray.The potassium feldspar series are mainly orthoclase,
consulter en lignePotassium feldspar - Feldspar - MilliporeSigma
Potassium feldspar. Synonyms: Feldspar. CAS 68476-25-5. Browse Potassium feldspar and related products at Merck. 연구 개발 생산 우리는 글로벌 생명과학 리딩 회사로 전세계 학계와 협력하며 생명과학업계 최대의 난제를 해결하는 데 앞장서고 있습니다.
consulter en ligneSimulation of potassium feldspar dissolution and illitization in
2001.4.1 Prior work has suggested that potassium mobility is an important control on the formation of late-stage illite in deep reservoirs of the North Sea.
consulter en ligneExtraction of KCl from Potassium Feldspar by Various
2023.10.20 The recovery of KCl from feldspar, by assaying its 7.21% K2O, was carried out using a 1:1.25:1.5 ratio of feldspar:CaSO4:NaCl at 1000 °C for 60 min, followed by leaching, to obtain KCl with 96.1% ...
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