Ketchum Creek Gold Mine Circle Hot Springs Alaska - Fay
2024.8.26 This Alaska Gold Claim offers the opportunity to own a piece of Alaska Gold Rush history with investment potential from the patented mineral rights. The ownership includes 41 gold claims along the Chunilna and John’s Rivers.
consulter en ligneAlaska Mines For Sale - MineListings
Alaska Gold Mine State Claims - Location, Location. Close to Wasilla, Alaska (23.5mi); Anchorage (60mi). Fuel, equipment and supplies are fairly close. This is all about Gold location,
consulter en ligneAlaska Gold Rush Chicken Gold Camp
2023.11.16 Guests* staying at the Chicken Gold Camp can pan or mine for gold on our nearby claims for a daily fee. We allow use of pans, metal detectors, hand sluices, small
consulter en ligneSix Mile Claims - Hope Mining Co
Hope Mining Company has ten each 40 Acre State Mining Claims for sale in the Six Mile drainage on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula. All claims are conveniently located off the Hope Highway with
consulter en ligneEast Fork Claims - Hope Mining Co
Hope Mining Company has five each 40 Acre State Mining Claims for sale in the East Fork drainage on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula. All claims are conveniently located off the Seward
consulter en ligneProperties Classifieds ICMJ Prospecting Mining Journal
View the most comprehensive list of gold claims and mines for sale in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, and other states, placer and lode, patented and
consulter en ligneProperties - Fairbanks Gold Co., LLC
Fairbanks Gold Co. owns thousands of acres of patented mining ground throughout the interior of Alaska. These patented claims are located on the following creeks and streams in interior
consulter en ligneAlaska Placer Gold Mine – Active and Ready to Go
5,000 lineal feet of creek channel left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks - Innoko Flats and Anvil Benches on the claims. There is 2,500 feet of Innoko River frontage
consulter en ligneGold Claim For Sale - pickalaska
2020.10.6 Gold Claim For Sale. State of Alaska Gold Mining Claims available for lease, sale, or, negotiable agreement for the coming mining season with option to buy at terms we
consulter en ligneWoodchopper Gold Claim Circle Alaska - Fay Ranches
2024.10.29 Talkeetna, Alaska . This Alaska Gold Claim offers the opportunity to own a piece of Alaska Gold Rush history with investment potential from the patented mineral rights. The ownership includes 41 gold claims along the Chunilna and John’s Rivers. Located 34± miles N/NE of Talkeetna, the property offers breathtaking views of Talkeetna and ...
consulter en ligneGold Claim For Sale - pickalaska
2020.10.6 State of Alaska Gold Mining Claims available for lease, sale, or, negotiable agreement for the coming mining season with option to buy at terms we both agreed to accept. If you are interested in buying a claim we will allow small scale testing for a limited time before a purchase decision is made. Also, you may click on “FREE Alaska ...
consulter en ligneAlaska Gold Claims - MineListings
43 Placer Claims, 200+ Quartz Claims, 10-year Water License, 3 Miles of Prospecting Leases totaling a combined land area of over 4000 hectares Several high-grade surface quartz vein structures exist, including one that measures 14 meters wide and averages 4.5 grams of gold per ton highlighted by 2- and 3-meter wide veins running between 10 and ...
consulter en ligneMcWilliams Gold Claim Talkeetna Alaska - Fay Ranches
2024.6.11 Circle, Alaska . This Alaska gold claim offers an opportunity to own a piece of Alaska gold mining history as with income potential from the gold mining claims. Woodchopper Creek is an inholding in the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve of fee lands and mineral rights only. The ownership includes 15 patented claims and 37 unpatented claims ...
consulter en ligneMcWilliams Gold Claim - River Frontage In Alaska, County
4 天之前 Located within one hundred miles of Anchorage, Alaska, yet still in the remote Alaskan wilderness, you will find McWilliams Gold Claim. It is a historic gold mining area located in the heart of the Talkeetna Mountains. This offering, “McWilliams Gold Creek,” consists of 881.96± acres with patented mineral rights.
consulter en ligneAlaska Gold Maps Gold Claims
Unlike the lower 48 where most gold claims are located on federal land, roughly 85% of Alaska’s gold claims are located on state controlled lands—and are registered as state claims. Our combined state and federal Alaska Gold Maps show there are currently 46,730 active gold claims, and 11,965 abandoned gold claims located on state lands ...
consulter en ligneWho owns the offshore gold mining claims in Nome that
2022.1.27 The mining rights on “claims” featured in BSG are actually owned by the state of Alaska and sold as 10-year “non-competitive offshore leases” at auction. The state then collects a predetermined annual rent from the lease owner and a 3% production royalty.
consulter en ligneAlaska Gold Mining Claims for $200 an acre - Gold Prospectors
2016.7.30 I have over two thousand acres of mining claims in Alaska 60 miles south of Tok, Alaska along Porcupine Creek and only 5 miles off the main highway. Access is by a good right of way trail. For sale at less than 40k per 160 acre claim - $400,000.00 for 12-160 acre claims -- making the price only $200 per acre.
consulter en ligneproperty listings - goldproperties4sale
This is a very fine gold property with great access to a rich gulch located on the claim. We can find gold on this claim right now. It has a nice meadow and great camping areas. $7,000.00 FINANCED!! Eve lode 22. P8090216.JPG. P8090215.JPG. Eve lode 22. 1/4. P8090206.JPG. P8090208.JPG. P8090203.JPG. P8090206.JPG. 1/5.
consulter en ligne20 Active State Mining Claims- Manley, Alaska
Multiple benches on claims, including one that measured 300 feet wide, 2-10 feet deep of lowgrade gravel and river rock, have found it the length of the claims, ~6,000 feet. Tests between $7-$30/yd or 50 to 300 cubic yards to an ounce depending on area.
consulter en ligneAlaska Placer Mining Operations and Claims 2020
2020.11.5 1. Properly stake and record your claim’s location with the ADNR State Recording District where the claim is located. 2. Timely record annual labor with the Recorder’s Office. 3. Pay annual claim rental. 4. If you have a mining license or are in development or production, you must file the Mining License Tax and
consulter en ligneAlaska Mining Claims Mapper
2024.10.16 The Alaska Mining Claims Mapper is a custom view of land-records data related to mining that is provided by the Alaska Mapper application.. Alaska Mapper is a web-based geographic information system (GIS) that allows you to locate Alaska land-records information by navigating an interactive map of the state. The land-records data provided by
consulter en ligneVictory Ridge Gold Claims For Sale - Alaska, USA
Featured Listing. Yukon Gold – Livingstone Creek. Yukon Gold Placer Mining/HardRock Opportunity. 43 Placer Claims, 200+ Quartz Claims, 10-year Water License, 3 Miles of Prospecting Leases totaling a combined land area of over 4000 hectares Several high-grade surface quartz vein structures exist, including one that measures 14 meters wide and
consulter en ligneStaking Claims in Alaska: A Primer - Burgex Mining Consultants
2016.2.5 Staking claims in Alaska: Claim paperwork This is the most common form used when staking claims in Alaska. This form uses the MTRS system (meridian, township, range, section). When staking claims in Alaska it is important to make sure you use the correct form. For traditional claim locations use the form below.
consulter en ligneGold Prospecting in Alaska: 6 Best Locations Laws
2023.4.14 Best Places to Find Gold in Alaska. Of course! Let’s dive deeper into these prime gold prospecting locations in Alaska. Nome Creek. Nome Creek, located in the White Mountains National Recreation Area, is a picturesque location with 12 miles of gold-bearing creeks accessible to the general public. You can try your luck with recreational panning,
consulter en ligneMines For Lease - MineListings
Yukon Gold Mines. Placer Claims. Scroggie/ Walhalla, 242 placer claims, historic mining area, with several active mines on the creek and nearby with a purity of around 87%. Maisy May, 47 placer claims, historic mining area, with several active mines on the creek with a
consulter en ligneDepartment of Natural Resources - Alaska
2021.10.19 While owning a gold claim can be rewarding it may also become plagued with issues. The Division of Mining, Land and ... The following tasks must be done to locate and maintain a mining claim on Alaska State land: ... Whether annual rental has been paid in a timely manner. On State mining claims the rental yearbegins at noon on September 1 and ...
consulter en ligneMining Claim Lease or Rental in Alaska - Gold Panning,
2015.4.13 Back in 1980 there was a Gold rush in Alaska and else where, as the price of gold hit over $800 an ounce. I and 3 friends went to Alaska to spend the summer mining for gold. ... Mining Claim Lease or Rental in Alaska Mining Claim Lease or Rental in Alaska. alaska; By snakejim April 13, 2015 in Gold Panning, Sluicing, Dredging, Drywashing, Etc ...
consulter en ligneAlaska Gold Panning Laws: What You Need To Know
When Did Alaska Regulate Recreational Gold Panning and Why? Alaska began regulating recreational gold panning isn’t possible. It’s more accurate to say it evolved over time, driven by various factors: Historical Context: Gold Rush Era (1860s-1900s): Initially, there were minimal regulations as prospectors flocked to Alaska during the gold ...
consulter en ligneCripple Creek Gold Mine McGrath Alaska Fay Ranches
4 天之前 Circle, Alaska . This Alaska gold claim offers an opportunity to own a piece of Alaska gold mining history as with income potential from the gold mining claims. Woodchopper Creek is an inholding in the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve of fee lands and mineral rights only. The ownership includes 15 patented claims and 37 unpatented claims ...
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