纳米球磨机Pulverisette7 premiumline-飞驰(北京)科学仪器 ...
2024.9.12 由于主盘 1100rpm 的超高转速——PULVERISETTE 7 加强型*的达到了 95 倍重力加速度,比传统行星式研磨的能量增长了近 150%! 纳米球磨机技术参数: 研磨平台数:2
consulter en lignePlanetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 premium line / 说明 - fritsch
The Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 premium line with 2 grinding stations is the ideal mill for fast wet and dry grinding of hard, medium-hard, soft, brittle and moist samples as well as for
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line / 技术数据
USB. Electrical details. 100-120 V / 200-240 V/1~, 50-60 Hz, 1200 Watt. voltage, indicated by customer is set. Emission sound pressure level at the workplace according to DIN EN ISO
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 classic line / Description
The PULVERISETTE 7 classic line with 2 working stations is ideally suited for fast, uniform, and extremely fine comminution of very small samples down to colloidal fineness of hard, medium
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line /
FRITSCH Planetary Mills: fine grinding of various materials, mixing, homogenising of emulsions, paste, mechanical alloying and activation in materials research.
consulter en ligne行星式球磨机-飞驰(北京)科学仪器有限公司
2024.9.6 双罐行星式球磨机 加强型 Pulverisette 5可与Fritsch公司的GTM(气体温度和压力测量系统)联用,GTM系统是全球可以在研磨过程中测定研磨碗中气体温度和压力变化的系统。
consulter en lignePlanetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5/4 classic line / 说明 - fritsch
The Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 classic line with 4 working stations delivers fast and reliable, due to the particularly high-energy effect of the grinding balls, loss-free grinding results of
consulter en ligneMicro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line /
Avec ses 2 stations de broyage, le micro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line est multi-usage et donc parfaitement adapté aux opérations de micronisation sans pertes de
consulter en lignePlanetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5/4 classic line / 说明 - fritsch
Configure your Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 classic line matching your specific application The Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 classic line with 4 working stations, operates with 4 respectively 8 grinding bowls of sizes 80, 250 or 500 ml, which turn with a transmission ratio of 1 : -2,19 relative to the main disk. ...
consulter en ligneMicro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line /
Veuillez tenir compte des points suivants : Un micro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line doit être complété d'au moins 2 bols de broyage de votre choix et du nombre approprié de billes de broyage. D'autre part, le matériau des bols de broyage doit être plus dur que celui du matériau à broyer.
consulter en lignePlanetary Mills – fritsch
for Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5, Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6, Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 classic line ... Dividing/Feeding; Applications / Solutions; Grinding reports . Regional Contact; Jessica Seifert FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing. Industriestrasse 8 55743 Idar-Oberstein. Phone +49 67 84 70 0 Grinding report database ...
consulter en ligneBroyeur à mortier PULVERISETTE 2 / Description - fritsch
FRITSCH-Plus . Le broyeur PULVERISETTE 2 est la solution idéale pour réaliser un broyage cryogénique lors duquel le matériau de l'échantillon est effrité par ajout d'azote liquide. Vous pouvez donc broyer sans aucun problème des échantillons humides, fibreux ou élastiques, comme de la tomate, du caoutchouc, des résines synthétiques ...
consulter en ligneBroyeurs planétaires – fritsch
pour Broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 5, Mono-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 6, ... Division/Alimentation; Applications / Solutions; Protocoles de broyage . Conseiller application; Jessica Seifert FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing. Industriestrasse 8 55743 Idar-Oberstein. Téléphone +49 67 84 70 0 Base de données sur les protocoles de broyage.
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line / 技术数据
Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line 订货号 07.5000.00 产品详情 说明 技术数据 配件 视频 / 3D動畫 下载 ... Transmission ratio planetary disk / grinding bowl i relative = 1 : -2 Effective diameter of main disk 140 mm Centrifugal acceleration (g = 9 ...
consulter en lignePlanetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line / Description
FRITSCH Planetary Mills: fine grinding of various materials, mixing, homogenising of emulsions, paste, ... The Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line with 1 working station operates with 1 respectively 2 grinding bowls of sizes 80, 250, 500 ml, which turn with a transmission ratio 1 : -1,82 relative to the main disk. To achieve best ...
consulter en ligneMicro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line / CARACTÉRISTIQUES ...
PULVERISETTE 7 classic line; PULVERISETTE 6 classic line; PULVERISETTE 5/4 classic line; PULVERISETTE 5/2 classic line; Software MillControl premium line; Broyeurs à billes. PULVERISETTE 0 ; PULVERISETTE 23 ; Broyeurs à couteaux. PULVERISETTE 19 réglable 300-3000 tr/min; PULVERISETTE 19 réglable 50-700 tr/min; PULVERISETTE 29 ;
consulter en lignePlanetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line / 说明
Configure your Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line exactly to your specific application The Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line with 1 working station operates with 1 respectively 2 grinding bowls of sizes 80, 250, 500 ml, which turn with a transmission ratio 1 : -1,82 relative to the main disk. ...
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 classic line / 技术数据
Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 classic line 订货号 07.4000.00 产品详情 说明 技术数据 配件 视频 / 3D動畫 下载 ... Transmission ratio planetary disk / grinding bowl i relative = 1 : -2 Effective diameter of main disk 140 mm Centrifugal acceleration (g = 9. ...
consulter en ligneMono-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 6 classic line /
Product Profile Planetary Mills. Indisponible ... Manuel d'utilisation du Mono-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 6 classic line ... Jessica Seifert FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing. Industriestrasse 8 55743 Idar-Oberstein. Téléphone +49 67 84 70 0 Base de données sur les protocoles de broyage.
consulter en lignePlanetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 premium line / 说明 - fritsch
FRITSCH Planetary Ball Mills – high-performance all-rounder in routine laboratory work The Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 premium line with 2 grinding stations is the ideal mill for fast wet and dry grinding of hard, medium-hard, soft, brittle and moist samples as well as for mechanical alloying, mixing and homogenising of larger sample quantities with reliable results down into
consulter en lignePlanetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5/4 classic line / Description
Ideal for large quantities. The Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 classic line with 4 working stations delivers fast and reliable, due to the particularly high-energy effect of the grinding balls, loss-free grinding results of hard, medium-hard, soft, brittle, tough and moist materials down to colloidal fineness.Depending on the desired final fineness, can the grinding be performed dry, in ...
consulter en ligneMicro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line /
Product Profile Planetary Ball Mill P-7 premium line ... Manuel d'utilisation du Micro-broyeur planétaire PULVERISETTE 7 premium line ... Jessica Seifert FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing. Industriestrasse 8 55743 Idar-Oberstein. Téléphone +49 67 84 70 0
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line / TECHNICAL
FRITSCH Planetary Mills: fine grinding of various materials, mixing, homogenising of emulsions, paste, mechanical alloying and activation in materials research. Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line / TECHNICAL DATA - fritsch
consulter en lignePlanetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 premium line / Description
FRITSCH Planetary Ball Mills – high-performance all-rounder in routine laboratory work. The Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 5 premium line with 2 grinding stations is the ideal mill for fast wet and dry grinding of hard, medium-hard, soft, brittle and moist samples as well as for mechanical alloying, mixing and homogenising of larger sample quantities with reliable results down into
consulter en lignePulverisette 7 Planetary Micro Mill Premium Line Fritsch
2024.10.9 Pulverisette 7 Planetary Micro Mill Premium Line Technical Data Share Working principle impact force Optimal for material type hard, medium-hard, brittle Number of grinding stations 2 Grinding tools grinding bowls and grinding balls Materials of the grinding tools agate, sintered corundum, silicon nitride, zirconium oxide, hardened stainless steel, hardmetal
consulter en ligneBroyage – fritsch
Vous trouverez le broyeur parfaitement adapté à votre laboratoire : broyeur planétaire ... PULVERISETTE 7 classic line; PULVERISETTE 6 classic line; ... Sans oublier les coûts. FRITSCH offre donc une large gamme de broyeurs hautes performances répartis en différents groupes qui correspondent à chacune des applications et à tout besoin ...
consulter en ligneFritsch PULVERISETTE 7 premium line Operating Instructions
Page 1 Operating instructions PLANETARY MICRO MILL premium line PULVERISETTE 7 Valid starting with: 07.5000/00100 Read the instructions prior to performing any task! Translation of the original operating instructions... Page 2 Fritsch GmbH Milling and Sizing Industriestraße 8 D - 55743 Idar-Oberstein Telephone: +49 6784 70-0 Email: info@fritsch Internet:
consulter en lignePlanetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line / 说明
FRITSCH Planetary Ball Mills – high-performance all-rounder in routine laboratory work The Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line with 2 grinding stations is designed for a broad range of applications and ideally suited for loss-free grinding down to a final fineness of 100 nm of hard, medium-hard and brittle materials. . Depending on the desired final fineness, the
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