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  • Froth Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Pyrite Ore: A Critical Review

    2022.9.21  In the present work an intense bibliographic search is developed, with updated information on the microscopic fundamentals that govern the behavior of flotation operations of

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  • A Review on Novel Techniques for Chalcopyrite Ore Processing

    2012.1.1  A detailed review of chalcopyrite deposits, production and consumption, mining, ore processing, steps involved in the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of

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    2023.8.21  Chalcopyrite, the most abundant copper-bearing mineral, is known to be recalcitrant to dissolution, and much research has been conducted to solve the difficulties that

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  • Insights into structural and functional regulation of chalcopyrite

    2024.4.1  This review aims to summarize the key steps and mechanisms of chalcopyrite-induced AOPs and provide strategies for enhancing effective electron transfer efficacies by

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  • Alternative processes for treatment of chalcopyrite —A review

    1998.8.1  Chalcopyrite is the most exploited mineral for the recovery of copper. In the traditional smelting-refining processes, the chalcopyrite ore is concentrated by flotation to

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  • Behavior and Kinetics of Copper During Oxygen Pressure

    2023.3.8  Chalcopyrite is the most widely distributed copper-bearing ore in nature [1–5], and it is also the main raw material for copper extracting. At present, 80–85% of the copper in

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  • Mechanism of Enhanced Copper Recovery From Chalcopyrite

    2024.6.6  Chalcopyrite leaching is performed using a 1 M sulfuric acid solution under ambient conditions. Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry is used to

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  • Systems biology of acidophile biofilms for efficient metal

    2020.7.7  Biomining, for example of chalcopyrite for copper recovery, is a more sustainable biotechnological process that exploits the capacity of acidophilic microbes to catalyze solid

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  • Copper extraction from low-grade chalcopyrite in a

    2022.1.20  Results showed that after 197 days bioleaching of low-grade chalcopyrite, 423.9 mg copper was extracted from 200 g low-grade chalcopyrite and the average coulomb

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  • Selective Adsorption Mechanism of Ferric Ions on the

    2023.9.21  was more easily and spontaneously adsorbed on pyrite than chalcopyrite surfaces. First-principles DFT calculations and electronic structure analysis further showed that pyrite had a stronger adsorption of Fe (OH) 3 than chal-copyrite. This work sheds new light on the adsorption mechanism of Fe3+ on the surfaces of chalcopyrite and pyrite during ...

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  • Or : Minéral Propriétés, formation, exploitation minière,

    2023.8.26  Chalcopyrite: La chalcopyrite est une substance commune capuchons de cuivre minerai de sulfure de fer qui peut parfois être associé à des gisements d'or. Il peut se produire dans les mêmes formations rocheuses que l'or et peut être présent dans des minerais contenant à la fois du cuivre et de l'or. ... Exploitation minière et extraction ...

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  • Froth Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Pyrite Ore: A Critical Review

    2022.9.21  In the present work an intense bibliographic search is developed, with updated information on the microscopic fundamentals that govern the behavior of flotation operations of chalcopyrite, the main copper mineral in nature. In particular, the effect caused by the presence of pyrite, a non-valuable mineral, but challenging for the operation due to its ability to capture a

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  • Adsorption and depression mechanism of carrageenan on chalcopyrite

    2024.10.1  Consequently, the over-exploitation of mineral has led to a deficiency in ... Reagent Co., LTD. Sodium isobutyl xanthate (SIBX) was synthesized and depurated with the purity above 95 % in the lab. Chalcopyrite and pyrite used in this study were collected from Dongchuan, Yunnan, China. Prior to the experiments, chalcopyrite and pyrite underwent ...

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  • Chalcopyrite : (Cuivre) Propriétés, Formation, Utilisations,

    2023.9.5  La chalcopyrite est un minéral et un minerai de cuivre. Sa composition chimique est CuFeS2, ce qui signifie qu'il contient du cuivre (Cu), du fer (Fe) et du soufre (S). La chalcopyrite est l’un des minerais de cuivre les plus importants et est largement distribuée dans divers environnements géologiques. On le trouve souvent en association avec d’autres

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  • Behavior and Kinetics of Copper During Oxygen Pressure

    2023.3.8  Chalcopyrite is the most widely distributed copper-bearing ore in nature [1–5], and it is also the main raw material for copper extracting. At present, 80–85% of the copper in the world is produced by pyrometallurgy, but along with the continuously exploitation of chalcopyrite ore, leading to the

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  • Mechanism of Enhanced Copper Recovery From Chalcopyrite

    2024.6.6  The formation of a passive layer during the hydrometallurgical leaching of copper from chalcopyrite leads to a relatively low copper recovery owing to the halting of the leaching efficiency. Thus, the copper recovery during chalcopyrite leaching needs to be promoted and the formation of passive layers on the mineral surface must be reduced. Organic solvents and

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  • Chalcopyrite : (Copper) Properties, Formation, Uses, Deposits

    2023.9.5  Chalcopyrite is a mineral and ore of copper. Its chemical composition is CuFeS2, meaning it contains copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and sulfur (S). Chalcopyrite is one of the most important copper ores and is widely distributed in various geological environments. It is often found in association with other sulfide minerals.

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  • Selective Adsorption Mechanism of Ferric Ions on the

    2023.9.11  When copper ores containing pyrite are crushed and ground, many unavoidable Fe3+ ions will be produced and enter the flotation process. At present, the adsorption mechanism of Fe3+ on chalcopyrite and pyrite surfaces is not clear. Here, the adsorption behaviors of Fe3+ on the surfaces of chalcopyrite and pyrite were systematically investigated by micro-flotation

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  • Extraction et production de cuivre Institut des terres rares

    Extraction et production de cuivre Le cuivre est présent dans des gisements naturels partout dans le monde. Nous expliquons ici la voie de production de la roche minéralisée au produit final, qui est le métal commercial de la plus haute pureté existant et est utilisé dans une variété d'applications essentielles à la vie moderne. Minéraux de cuivre Les minéraux de cuivre se

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  • A Review on Novel Techniques for Chalcopyrite Ore Processing

    2012.5.1  Chalcopyrite ores are usually processed by means of hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical processes, but due to environmental aspects and the possibility of increased exploitation of mixed and ...

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  • Chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite chemistry in stratiform

    2024.10.12  Chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite trace element contents vary significantly between the metallogenic districts as well as between different ore stages. Random Forest discriminates the stratiform sediment-hosted Cu(-Co) districts based on trace element geochemistry. High Ag and Tl in chalcopyrite is attributed to the Polish Kupferschiefer, Ga ...

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  • L’exploitation de la chalcopyrite à l’Âge du Bronze ... - UMR

    L’exploitation de la chalcopyrite à l’Âge du Bronze dans le massif des Rousses en Oisans (Isère) Marie-Christine Bailly-Maître (Directeur de Recherche CNRS, UMR 6572 - LAMM - CNRS - Université de Provence), Thierry Gonon (Docteur en archéologie - Oxford Archaeology) La mine forme, avec le pastoralisme, l'un des principaux agents de ...

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  • Rare and Critical Metals in Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Magnetite,

    2021.6.14  SEM back-scattered electron images of chalcopyrite from different mineralization stages from the quartz monzonite (a-c) and the latite (d-f): (a) chalcopyrite (Cpy) is intergrown with pyrite (Py ...

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  • Ferric ion-triggered surface oxidation of galena for efficient ...

    2023.5.12  The efficient separation of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and galena (PbS) is essential for optimal resource utilization. However, finding a selective depressant that is environmentally friendly and cost effective remains a challenge. Through various techniques, such as microflotation tests, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy

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  • Exsolution of chalcopyrite from bornite-digenite solid

    2018.7.11  Chalcopyrite from Wallaroo Mines, South Australia (South Australian Museum sample G22621), was used as starting material. This chalcopyrite was also used by Zhao et al. and shown to be phase pure and to have an average composition Cu 1.07 Fe 1.05 S 2.2.Following the method of Zhao et al. (), the chalcopyrite was crushed, washed, and sieved

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  • A Novel Chelating Collector with Di-minerophilic Group 5

    2024.2.26  The article presents the synthesis and application of a novel collector, 5-methyl butylxanthate-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione (MBuXTT), for chalcopyrite flotation separation from pyrite. Various interfaces and surface characterization analysis methods were employed to study the flotation separation mechanism. The micro-flotation and contact angle experiments

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  • Copper Bioleaching in Chile - MDPI

    2015.12.30  The copper production in Chile is based mostly on the exploitation of ores containing copper sulfides, with chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2), chalcocite (Cu 2 S), covellite (CuS), bornite (Cu 3 FeS 3), enargite (Cu 3 AsS 4), and tennantite (Cu 3 AsS 3) being the most important. Through the years of exploitation of the copper in Chile, the ore ...

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  • Sustainable Use of Copper Resources: Beneficiation of Low

    2022.4.27  The average grade of a copper deposit for exploitation is approx. 0.4% (open cast mines) and 1–2% Cu (underground mines), ... The result concluded that chalcopyrite flotation was controlled by the ratio of hydrophobic xanthate and hydrophilic metal oxide/hydroxide produced at the solution-mineral interface . Most of the studies reported ...

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  • Characterization and Flotation of Sulfur from Chalcopyrite

    2003.6.12  Elemental sulfur produced by chloride leaching of sulfide ores or concentrates contains selenium and tellurium usually too high to be used in various industrial or agricultural uses. The sulfur in the leaching residue can be upgraded to 90% in grade by froth flotation and the sulfur concentration can be followed by sulfur purification and selenium and tellurium

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